Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc.

302 North First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance provides legal assistance to low-income individuals as well as to seniors age 60 and older. Services include advice, brief service, and negotiation and litigation on selected civil matters such as welfare, medical assistance, utilities, housing, consumer debt, elder abuse, and selected family problems such as divorce and orders of protection. Income eligibility guidelines are generally 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Toll-free line for clients is 1-800-747-5523. TTY number for deaf/hard of hearing: (217) 356-0684. Service area includes Champaign, Vermilion, Dewitt, Piatt, Effingham, Coles, Cumberland, Edgar, Moultrie, Douglas, Jasper, Crawford, and Ford Counties.

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